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The Jember State Polytechnic was initiated by a government program to develop polytechnic education in Indonesia in 1980. The idea for the emergence of Agricultural Polytechnic education came from the thought of a consortium of agricultural sciences in 1983, and was followed up by the opening of Agricultural Polytechnic in 6 cities, namely: (1) Jember (2) Lampung (3) Payakumbuh (4) Samarinda (5) Ujung Pandang (6) Kupang. The concept of developing the Agricultural Polytechnic is carried out embryonally and structurally by entrusting the local State Universities, namely: Jember University, Lampung University, Andalas University, Mulawarman University, Hasanudin University and Nusa Cendana University. Furthermore, to strengthen the realization of the Agricultural Polytechnic education plan in the city of Jember, a consultant from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Dr. Robert Maxwell and Ir. Arifin from the Ministry of Education and Culture and accompanied by a team from the University of Jember led by Ir. Soehardjo Widodo, MS conducted an in-depth feasibility study in the Jember Regency area.